Second semester if fully underway and my classes are keeping me really busy!! My schedule for this semester is the following:
Training II- 3-3:50pm.
Medical Terminology- 12-1:50pm
Training II- 3-3:50pm
Training II- 3-3:50pm
Medical Terminology- 12-1:50pm
Training II- 3-3:50pm
Intro to Math- 9-10:50am
Training II- 11-11:50am
I know what you're doesn't sound that bad. So in let me explain what is required for each class.
For Training II I am in charge of catching my assigned horse, Kheonna, and preparing her for class which consists of brushing her off, wrapping her legs, and tacking her up. This takes about 40 minutes since she is currently modeling her winter coat and she lays down to sleep at night, which gets her pretty dirty. After riding her for about 50 minutes, she is really sweaty and hot, so before she goes back outside, I have to dry and cool her off. This takes about an hour since the sweat makes the dust on her coat get really crusty and it can be hard to brush off after she is dry.
Medical Terminology is a little easier. I go to class and take notes, quizzes, and all that jazz. But it consists of a lot of homework and remembering all the medical terms can be hard. Homework takes about an hour and I try to study about an hour/day which really helps.
Intro to Math has been rocky. I have only been to two classes because the first day of class was really cold and my car was having problems so I decided to be safe rather than sorry. The second missed class I was sick. That and it is a morning class and I am NOT a morning person at all!! Also my professor, who is really good at her job as teacher, is really rude to the students and is narcissistic. Two traits that I could definitely live without in the morning!!!
Adding work from 6-close, which is roughly midnight, adds to the chaos and only allows me the wee hours of the mornings and after I get out of bed to do my homework.
Well, now that I have given the exhaustive update of the happenings in my life, I have a few pieces of good news that have been going on recently.
First, I have worked one hour of my internship so far. I am going to be interning at Beahr Ridge Legendary Stables, which is where Kheonna is from and Sylvia, the owner/head trainer, forgot that I was coming the day after I spoke with her on the phone! I told her that I would arrive around 2-2:30ish and I kept my word. She just forgot so she wasn't at the farm when I arrived. I ended up working about an hour cleaning the arena walls and left at 4:30 and went straight to work.
Second, my cousin had a baby boy on Feb. 5. He came a couple weeks late and was 8lb. 5 oz and 20 inches long. She named him John Andrew and my mom and I are wondering what his older sister is going to think when she sees him getting more attention from us.