Sunday, September 26, 2010

New Beginnings

Hey all! Remember me? Good, I know it's been quite a while and I promised to post more, but I kept forgetting and work and school kept getting in the way.....ok, ok, I'll stop making excuses!! Now for the good stuff....I bet you are dying to know what I have really been up to all this time. Well, I will try to keep this as short as possible, so here goes.....
Since my last post I:

  • Spent all spring semester at Kirkwood working at McDonald's and going to class. Nothing much new there!
  • Became a vegetarian.
  • Quit McDonald's....why is coming up shortly!
  • Moved from Cedar Rapids to Cedar Falls.
  • Got a small, overpriced apartment in Cedar Falls
  • Left small, overpriced apartment in Cedar Falls to move to:
  • Beahr Ridge Arabians, where I am still living and working but it is now known as LaBella Farm @ Beahr Ridge. Long story, I'll explain later.
  • Applied/attending University of Northern Iowa

Did that blow your mind? Well if it didn't...sorry! Haha, I'm just kidding, but as you can see I was busy taking some gen eds at Kirkwood during the spring as well as working long hours at McDonalds. Now, my days at McDonald's are no more, and even though I miss some of the people and the nice paychecks at the end, I am happy to be done with it and really hope that I don't have to go back to working at a fast food place...ever!!! I still stay in touch with some of the people though, and I try to visit them when I can steal a few hours. This job is one of the reasons why I don't eat meat anymore.

I decided to become a vegetarian in April of this year. One reason being that meat just didn't taste good to me anymore. If I smell it, I still get a metalic taste in my mouth and it still kills my appetite for meat. Another reason is from being a closer at McDonald's, I would see the wasted meat at night and it was pretty disgusting to look at. If one customer was not satisfied with something on their burger, it would get tossed in the waste bin, and at the end of the day, we would have at least $20 worth of meat wasted.....poor animal! I won't go roo far into this vegetarian thing in this post. I still don't have a problem with other people eating meat or pork/beef/poultry production so that's not really an issue.

I have also moved to Cedar Falls to attend UNI majoring in Psychology. I am really enjoying it so far and have made a few friends that I can enjoy outside of work. Speaking of work, I don't have to do that anymore!!! At the beginning of the summer, I started working for Sylvia Beahr at Beahr Ridge Arabians in Cedar Falls and, in late July, moved into their lower/basement apartment, which is huge compared to my other Cedar Falls one. That apartment had nice features, but ended up being small, cramped, and the roommate was eh. She was nice, but she had poor housekeeping abilities, which meant that at the end of the day, I would come home to several dishes on the floor, food left out, and just a dirty environment. It was also overpriced and I can say that I am glad to be out of there.

I love living in the country again....the farm is a place that I can really call home and it is perfect for a horse gal like me. Sylvia had actually put it up for sale in January, and a few weeks ago, Paige LaBella bought it. She has hired me as an assistant barn manager, that is once my roommate, Sharon leaves with Sylvia. Sylvia, her husband Dick, and her sister, Sharon will be moving to Texas in the next couple of weeks. Dick is already down there overseeing the building of their new barn, so Sylvia and Sharon are still here making sure Paige and I get everything down and helping us out until Sylvia's horses can be moved. Sylvia owned this farm for 29 years, so she is very sad to let it go...but she has accepted that it is a big challenge for her and Dick has retired from his job at John Deere and wants to downsize so he will be able to enjoy his retirement more and work a little less. I will really miss them since they gave me my first job in the horse business, and I will miss their horses as well.

Paige LaBella is a very nice lady in her 40's that has a good horse background and we work very well together. She has said that she is very happy with me so far and I am looking forward to working for her in the future.

Well, I think we are very well caught up now and I am ready to go to bed. I will leave with another promise to try to blog some more. Good night all!!!