Thursday, April 21, 2011

New Sport? or New Hobby?

Well, it seems as though the horses have found a new game to play with us humans. Normally two horses play it, but it seems as though some other horses have heard of this. It is called Hide the Halter. This game consists of the horses somehow removing their halters from their heads, which they can have an assistant horse do or a good scratch behind the ears can do the trick. Following the removal, the halter than gets thrown on the ground far into the paddock or pasture, or stomped in the gooey mud so well that the human can barely see it. Running in circles around the humans can bring extra fun, but is not necessary.

We had two young horses play this game yesterday, in which the youngest had hers buried in the mud. They decided to run around us full blast for a couple minutes before they stopped to let us catch them. Today, another horse had caught wind of this game and removed her halter. Luckily for me, she didn't stomp it in the mud and was easy to catch. Otherwise, Barney and YoYo usually play the game at least once a month. However they are too lazy to run around in circles, so that makes it easier for us to catch them.

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