Monday, April 4, 2011

Productive Day

Despite the windy, cold weather, today was a very productive day. Julie and I did all the usual barn duties, plus got the hay shed door back on its track, got the dead coon in the hay shed to the burn pile, and cleaned up some hay in the shed. I also rode Madusa after chores and she went very well.

I was riding with one of the boarders, who decided to chase me when I called his horse an Arab, an inside joke between some of the boarders and me. So Madusa and I did quite a few jog to lope transitions. He was being nice and didn't come close enough to attempt to push me off. When he tried to demonstrate by coming closer, Madusa pinned her ears and raised one of her hind legs in warning that Brian's horse was getting too close. He is also trying to persuade Brittany, one of the stall cleaners/boarders, to keep her horse here. It is always fun to laugh with the boarders after a busy day in the barn.

That's about all that went on today, until tomorrow readers!

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