Friday, April 8, 2011


We finally got rain last night! Only 3/10 inch, but I'll take it. We are supposed to get more rain this weekend and storms on Sunday. I can't wait!!

Everything got done as usual today. We have set up a new feeding schedule so that one person does the feeding instead of three. That actually makes it a lot simpler, because then we don't have to worry about missing someone or feeding someone twice. While one person feeds, though, someone follows with the broom. Today was the first day doing this and we got chores done in 20 minutes!

I will also start having Tuesdays off. I wish it were Sundays, but I'll take what I can get. At least I will still have Sunday mornings off so I can attend mass. I probably won't be able to go home for Easter, but Paige said that it depends on what happens so we'll see how things go in the next couple weeks. I was thinking I would go home after chores on Saturday evening, then come back Sunday evening or afternoon. I'll take whatever, but if I don't get it off, then I can go home on Tuesdays. At least then I will be able to see my family again. I'm really going to fight for Reed's graduation! Time seems to fly by, and soon my baby brother will be graduated. Gosh, I must be getting old!

I was reading my other brother, Micah's, blog earlier and, despite some big mistakes, he mentioned an event I had moved on from and forgotten: a phone call in high school that ended up being a prank call asking me to a dance. Oh, the things he remembers! I may not be able to remember half the events like he does, but once he mentions it, I can remember the facts. The phone call was NOT from Jake Mohr, nor was he my crush, like Micah mentioned. It was from someone else who liked to try and get a rise out of me. It's funny, but looking back, the only guys who treated me with respect from when Kanawha and Britt merged in Jr. High were my two crushes. All the other Kanawha boys gave me a hard time. Oh well, that is the past; this is the present; let's all just move on with our lives.

We get two new horses in tomorrow. They will be here for a couple weeks or so. It's scary how within the next month at least six horses will leave. I hope we get more to replace them!

Until tomorrow, readers!

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