Friday, March 18, 2011


Temptations are all around us. Whether it is a temptation of lust or to have another piece of our favorite chocolate or to tell someone off, we can't avoid it and eventually give in. In the Bible, temptation is discussed frequently starting with Eve and the serpent and continuing on to the devil tempting Jesus after his 40 days in the desert. Although we know the differences between the two with Eve giving into temptation, dragging her husband, Adam, along with her, and Jesus not giving in and defending himself with scripture, we find ourselves among the two. Some temptations we face are easy to concur while others are more difficult. The Little Black Book that I am reading for Lent is very helpful in how to do a self-evaluation. How do I handle my temptations? How much time and money do I spend on others compared to myself? Do I really trust that God will guide my way through the path of righteousness? Basically, how can I do better as a person to help and be patient with others?

This is coming from working with Jan. Jan and I have been working together for over a week now and I am really tempted to just tell her to just be quiet already!! Every day she is constantly talking and humming. I'm not just talking about quiet musings to herself, but loud comments about why a horse is whinnying or acting the way it does, loud greetings to the animals and people, loud humming to the songs on the radio or just sounds, she also says one thing one minute, then the opposite the next. It is so annoying. Today I said something to Paige about it and she agreed with me; Jan is getting on her nerves, too, and it's even worse for me because I work in the barn with her everyday. She is also very slow at developing a routine and mapping out which paddock or stall each horse goes in. One would think that after doing the same thing everyday for the past week or so, she would start to get the hang of things. I have to constantly remind her of everything, every minute of every day and that can get frustrating.

This is a real trial for me. Even though I know she has a few weeks left with us, the end just seems so far away. I am praying God gives me the strength and patience to deal with her until that time comes.

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